The main ingredients of a good meal

A good meal rarely consists of just one or two ingredients,

Even though they might be the “main” ones.

For example: chicken and potatoes.

If I was to present you with a plate of chicken and potatoes,

It probably wouldn’t be appetising to you.

It would look bare and dry.

You might ask “Where’s the salad? Where’s the veg? Where’s the cream?”

Or if you’re anything like me: “Where’s the ketchup?”

These aren’t the essentials, they don’t even contribute much to the macros or calories.

And if someone asked you what you had for lunch, you’d probably omit these items.

But, they are important to your experience of the meal.

This is also the case with your meetings with prospects.

The main ingredients for a deal is a problem and a solution.

If you have those, a deal can happen.

But if that’s all you focus on, as in, if that’s the only thing you cover,

Your prospect will sense that something is missing, even though they can’t quite put their finger on it.

And it will probably end with the usual: “let me think about it”, “I’ll review it with x”… “I’ll go do some numbers”.

While in some cases these responses are totally warranted, I’d counsel you to ensure it’s not due to a bone dry conversation.

And if it is, next time don’t forget the sides (or ketchup!)

So, if you want to make sure you are not missing any important ingredient to make a good deal,

Start your first step by watching this training video that I have created to explain this and more:

Click here to access the training

How To Turn up to 80% of Free Consultations Into Sales the Easy, Natural & Authentic Way Discover how you could walk away with up to 4 clients for every 5 appointments with this video

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