The ONLY 2 Ways to Overcome Objections in Sales

In this video, you’re going to learn how there are only two approaches to dealing with objections.

This simplified understanding will allow you to reach agreements much quicker by having fewer possibilities to explore.

What’s covered:

  • What objections really are, and how understanding this can help us make more sales
  • The only 2 things you can “do” about objections (both of these do NOT involve “pressure”)
  • How objection-handling can actually be a valuable “service” from you to your potential client


In this video, you’re going to learn the only two ways of overcoming objections in sales appointments and free consultations. And here’s how it works…

So to put some context to it, let’s suppose your client journey or customer journey is going to end up in a sale with you here [marks whiteboard]. So this is something which the stars are aligned, this is meant to be, this is going to work, there’s a natural flow towards you and them working together.

And so the conversation ticks along and you’re ready to take things to the next stage and invite them to join you in your program, in your course, whatever it is that you’re selling, okay. What ends up happening is an objection is put in place by the prospect. So there’s a barrier, and so the objection obviously prevents this journey from reaching to a sale.

So what I want to talk about is this objection here, is that it’s a problem. That’s what it essentially is. If we had to define it, it’s a “problem that your prospect has created” so the only way of basically getting past it and reaching to a sale, is you solving the problem.

Okay so either the problem is solved or it’s dissolved, so either way it’s just completely made a non-issue, and once it’s made a non-issue it will naturally flow to a sale. That’s just the natural path, the natural consequence of overcoming resistance and objections and challenges like that.

So how do you do it? How do you overcome objections? Okay. And more importantly, how do you do it without being salesy, without things getting super-awkward, without you manipulating them, without, you know, it getting into an argument? How’d you do that? Okay, because, you know, this is stuff that I would have loved to have known and learned and you’re basically getting it for free in this video, so here’s how it works…

Essentially, when a problem is created there’s only two ways that it can become a non-problem, all right. Either, you change the thinking, okay or you change the offer, okay. So here we’re dealing with, like, perception “how your prospects thinks about this problem”. And here we’re dealing with logistics, so logistically “how can we change something about the agreement in order to make it work?”, okay. So those are the only two variables that help you problem-solve pretty much anything.

So most sales will happen somewhere in-between, where a little bit’s changed of both. So either the way that they think about that problem kind of goes away, and the offer has changed a little bit and adapted to their needs more. And so most sales will happen somewhere in-between.

But for the purpose of this video and educating you, I want to dissect it and make it easy for you to understand. So let’s suppose a scenario comes up where you as the salesperson, the seller, you’re personal trainer and you are selling a personal training program, which includes a diet plan, a nutrition plan, and it includes [an] exercise plan and regimen, okay, and maybe some additional, whatever [it] is, products and stuff that you’ve put in there to aid your client in getting the results that they’re looking for, okay.

And so let’s just suppose the objection that’s raised is “I don’t want to restrict my diet”. So the sale can’t happen because an objection’s raised about restricting diet. So that’s a big issue for them. That’s a problem that they’ve created in their mind about this journey of working with you, is that they don’t want to restrict their diet. Because they think that they’re gonna have to restrict their diet in order to work with you and get the results they want, they’d rather not do that, okay.

If we’re going to do this one first, how can we change their thinking about restricting their diet in order to make it a non-issue, in order to completely dissolve that problem? Well, one thing you can ask is “in what ways do you feel the plan that I presented you is going to restrict your diet?” so basically just going from vague to more specific. Like, “how specifically is this going to restrict your diet, what do you even mean by that?”

And maybe they will tell you something like “well, I’ve got a really really really big sweet tooth, and every single day I have sweet stuff, you know. I have Nutella, I have donuts, I have all kinds of pastries and croissants and all sorts of things”, right. So let’s just suppose that’s something that they have, you know, habituated to just eat lots of sweet stuff and they think that in your program they’re not going to be able to eat anything sweet at all, ever.

So the way that you can problem-solve that by changing their thinking about it, is getting them to recognize [by saying] “listen, there’s only two variables of achieving the health goals that you presented to me that you said you wanted. Either, we change the diet or we change the exercise, those are the only two variables of getting any kind of health goal: diet and exercise”, okay.

So “do you see how eating all this stuff is going to prevent you from achieving the peak health that you said that you wanted earlier in this conversation, can you see that?” Because maybe before they did they couldn’t connect the dots, and maybe that might help them change their thinking about it.

Or you can say something like “what do you want more, do you want that body that you dreamed of, that you shared with me earlier that you really really wanted, or do you just want to continue eating this stuff that’s ultimately gonna keep you stuck where you are, which according to what you said is overweight and unfulfilled with the kind of body that you have right now? It’s gonna prevent you from having that energy, that vitality that you said that you wanted.”

So that’s you getting them to see it differently, that’s you getting them to change their thinking about that problem, so that problem dissolves, that problem becomes a non-problem for them, okay. So that’s dealing with perception, okay.

Now, “logistically”, how can we solve that problem for them? Well, logistically what you can do is, supposing in the plan that you put together for them, your nutrition plan, let’s suppose you had, like an unrestricted day of eating. Like, whatever they wanted, maybe once a month. So maybe it was like “once per month you can have like a binge day”, that was something that you included as part of their regimen, or maybe you didn’t include that at all.

So “changing the offer”, is basically logistically including that as part of the package, so that the problem becomes a non-problem. Because they’re still going to have the things that they wanted within your program. So say for instance, like “once per week, one day of the week I’m giving you unrestricted access to all the sweets that you want, all the pastries that you want, the croissants that you want, that’s what I’m including for you in this package”, okay, so that’s you changing the offer.

That’s you changing the agreement, the terms in some kind of way. And more often than not, you’ll see that whether you do it from this side [perception], or this side [logistics], it ultimately lowers the resistance because the problems go away. Once the problems go away, it will naturally flow towards the sale. Naturally. The natural consequence of removing barriers is a person says “yes”. Says “yes” for themselves, says “yes” to working with you, says “yes” to the opportunity.

And so you’ll see that once you do this, switch up the offer in some kind of way, switch up the agreement in some kind of way, switch up the terms in some kind of way, to make it more agreeable, you’ll find most people would end up saying “yes! that’s so much better now, I didn’t even think of that”, “I didn’t even think that was possible”, “ahh…” there’s a sigh of relief, “great, I’m in!” and so that’s essentially how you can increase your sales, increase your conversions, by basically problem solving for your client or customer, okay.

So that’s what I’ve got for you today. If you liked this training, if you’d like this video if you like what I have to say, if you like my style, then go ahead and head over to this URL I’m putting on the screen right now, head over to this URL, I’ve put together my best material that I’ve learned over a decade in sales.

I’ve put together my best material on helping you increase your conversions and get more out of your free consultations and sales appointments, so that you can ultimately have a much better business and also have a much better experience earning a living.

And so here’s the URL again, go ahead over there now and it’s totally free and it could possibly change the way you do everything, not just in sales but life too. So that’s what I’ve got for you for today, look forward to seeing you on the other side, take care.

How To Turn up to 80% of Free Consultations Into Sales the Easy, Natural & Authentic Way Discover how you could walk away with up to 4 clients for every 5 appointments with this video

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